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Home > Yarn > Yarns By Brand > Mirasol


Peru’s heritage and culture of textiles artistry is one of the richest in the world. All starts in the highlands where Alpaca and Wool shepherds tender their animals in the Peruvian Sierra, who grow a fine hair and wool that helps to create beautiful and soft yarns for hand knitting.

The Mirasol Yarn Collection was created thanks to an initiative of various customers of Michell & Cia. Both hand knitting yarn distributors – Designers Yarns Ltd, Du Store Alpakka, Fil Diamond Yarn and Knitting Fever, along with Michell decided to work a unique yarn collection that could be distributed worldwide with the agreement that part of the sales of this collection, from both Distributors and Michell, will go directly to Mirasol. So back in August 2007 the first Mirasol Yarn Collection was launched with the corresponding pattern support designed by Jane Ellison.

Since then the collection is expanding each season, and today it includes a various luxurious qualities in both classic and fancy effects with trendy colour and with full pattern support by talented designers.


Products 1-8 of 8
Api Mirasol, Mirasol yarn, knitting, crocheting, Mirasol Api, Api, alpaca, wool, highland wool

Item #: YEUR-API -

Price: $8.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Hasa Mirasol, Mirasol yarn, knitting, crocheting, Hasa, Mirasol Hasa, alpaca, wool, silk

Item #: YEUR-HASA -

Price: $11.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Khusku mirasol, khusku, blend, wool, nylon, bamboo, viscose, machine wash, fingering

Item #: YEUR-KHU -

Price: $21.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Miski Mirasol, Mirasol yarn, knitting, crocheting, Miski, Mirasol Miski, llama, baby llama

Item #: YEUR-MISK -

Price: $8.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Nuna Mirasol, Mirasol yarn, knitting, crocheting, Nuna, Mirasol Nuna, wool, silk, bamboo

Item #: YEUR-NUN -

Price: $11.95-$12.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Paqu Pura Mirasol yarns, Mirasol paqu pura, paqu pura, alpaca, peruvian alpaca, dk alpaca, self striping alpaca, knitting, crocheting

Item #: YEUR-PAQU -

Price: $19.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Paqu Splash mirasol, paqu splash, alpaca, hand wash, knitting fever, DK weight

Item #: YEUR-PAQUS -

Price: $24.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Pima Splash Mirasol, Mirasol yarn, knitting, crocheting, Mirasol pima splash, pima splash, cotton

Item #: YEUR-PS -

Price: $19.95
No reviews yet
Rating: none

Products 1-8 of 8
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